Meet Us

 You have two opportunities to meet us here on the campus of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church. Before our 10:30 a.m., Sunday Morning Service! Then again, right before, or after our Thursday Evening Worship Experience. The IMPACT Bible Study Session starts at 7:00 p.m.

At the Mount, we love each other, and we show it every time we fellowship. Whether it’s with a member, or a visitor, our Pastor would like his members to treat people the way they would like to be treated.

As a visitor, you’ll find that we are a loving congregation, no matter what day of the week it is.  You can meet the Pastor, Deacons, and/or members freely, So, please be our guest any time we are here. Please review the schedule below:

Here is the full schedule! 

Sunday Morning Worship Experience
1030 AM
                   MPBC Main Church
All Are Welcome
Early Connection ~ Sunday School
9 AM
MPBC Main Church Women’s Class! /Family Life Center- Men’s Class.
All Are Welcome 
  MPBC New Members Class
9 AM
Family Life Center
Please be prepare to study and ask questions about your new home church, and you r salvation.
MPBC Children’s Church
1030 AM
                            Family Life Center
A time of learning about God grace, love, and His mercies. (Ages 3 to 11)
Thursday Experience –
Thursday IMPACT Bible Study
Wednesday Youth Bible Study
7:00 PM
                           Church Sanctuary
There is a message for you on Thursday Nite, asks the questions, and talk with the Pastor, or his rep….
                        Community Life Center
Now is the time for our children to grow in Christ. Allow your children and teens to participant in our studies. Ages 3 to 17.
Wednesday – MPBC Mass Choir Practice
           7 pm.
                        Church Sanctuary
The Full MPBC Praise Team is formed as needed. 
          MPBC Computer Lab
Open when the Family Life Center is open!
Community Life Center
Call or email us if you have a special project, need help with your work resume, or you need to learn how to use a computer (even if you want to learn how to use the internet!)