Members and Friends of The Mount…
You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. Isaiah 25:4
We are still accepting donations!
Please consider supporting our food pantry.
Below is a list of items according to your last name.
A-C canned veggies
D-F canned fruit
G-I box crackers, peanut butter
J-L canned soup
M-P rice/beans
Q -T canned spaghetti sauce/spaghetti
U-Z canned tuna/granola bars
Please Consider Helping Another…
Mount Pisgah Baptist Church is starting the process to have a food pantry, not just for our church members…for everyone in need. Now is the time to help…please drop off your items:
a. Wednesday evenings, after 6…Please come to the side door (Fellowship Hall). 1017 Ray Road, Jacksonville,
b. On Thursday evenings, after 7 PM. Please come to the side door (Fellowship Hall). 1017 Ray Road, Jacksonville, Arkansas.
c. On Sunday mornings. before Sunday school at 9 AM, or after our church service (at the Thomas Johnson Outreach Center).
d. We are also accepting your monetary donations, through our church Givelify App!
Note: We are starting Now!
For more information, please email:
MPBC Church Leadership / Let’s Do It God’s Way!