Our Welcome Packet <- Click Here to download!
It is our pleasure to welcome you to our Church Web Site. We are doing our best to fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are planning on visiting, please complete our Visitor’s card online!
Here at Mount Pisgah BC, you’ll find a warm atmosphere, a people that love the Lord and each other. Everyone is important to us, and we take great joy in serving each individual. The Word of God is the spiritual diet that is served from the pulpit. The Spirit of God manifests Himself through our services. We are developing church programs that enhances the total person and one that pleases God.
We at the Mount urge you to take advantage of all the ministries offered that are beneficial to you. Also, we urge you to use your talents and gifts to enhance the Kingdom. Currently are trusting God to find His Preacher, that is the Church’s Pastor and your Minister. As a preacher, we pray for God’s Divine Word without compromise. As a Pastor, we pray he will provide leadership to the congregation, as he is led by the Holy Spirit. As a Minister, we pray he shall serve us in the capacity of a teacher, counselor, friend, and through Pastoral visitations. Our prayers are continually with you, as we Develop Disciples for a Coming Christ.
Remember the words of Jesus recorded in John 12:32, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me.”
The Pastor, Officers & Members of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church!